Create Unlimited booking using unbelivable features of booking
New addons available for download
Booking Commerce is SaaS-based Online booking and Appointment Scheduling software that ease your customer onboarding process and get your sales rolling. Now you can power your business using world's first online comprehensive platform for bookings.
Designed specifically for doctors to provide their patients with a seamless appointment booking experience.
Enter the subdomain below which you have chosen at the time of registration with Booking Commerce
With this, you get more power for managing the per slot booking better, by choosing to keep the bookings Single User or Multi User.
有了这个,你可以拥有预定的功能用于预订具体到单个人每时间隙。 你能分配的价格每隙和天提到的为预订。 例-对于医生预约等。
与多用户/个的许多预订的功能,你可以有多个客户书的一个单一的时间隙。 你甚至可以解决的客户数量允许书对于给定的时隙。 例订一观等。
这是仪表板图预订商业后台。 所有的统计数据所显示的便利。
所有预订可以很容易地查看和管理,从这一页。 预订,也可以看到对于任何特定时间的持续时间。
这是怎么预订创造了将被显示给你的客户。 他们甚至可以使预订的"预订"按钮
Explore from a number of AddOns and integrations available for Booking Commerce
有你自己预订网页,并提供一个身临其境体验到你的客户。 创建你的动态简介可以在其中加入图像的商业、增加服务的详细信息,并定/更改的主题,根据你的需求。
嵌入框架在你的商店和定制,据此。 一个完美的选择具有客户连接到你的店的所有订房要求。
Provide the customers a fuild and easy booking flow experience imparting a better customer experience
BookingCommerce can be integrated with major E-commerce platforms like WordPress and Shopify
电位问题的网站与世界上第一个全面的在线平台,用于预订。 很容易安装订商务插件,并开始接受在线预订从你的客户。
With a widh variety of AddOns available for integration, enhance the functionality of the BookingCommerce to make it more productive
In order to properly manage your bookings, your booking system should provide the functionality to integrate calendar system.
Use the Cash on Venue feature of Bookingcommerce website to book an appointment in advance and come to the venue to make payment in cash..
Payment is the essential step of an e-commerce website as all the revenue flow from customers to admin take place through the payment gateways.
BookingCommerce has a number of mentions on various platforms like Product Hunt, BetaList, BetaPages,etc.
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