Roadmap For Better Product

Here are the overall Roadmaps for Booking Engine - The Process we already have finished, We are on & our Next/Upcoming targets.

Recently Updated

Introduced “Create Orders” for one or more bookings

Now, You can create orders for one or more bookings made by customers. Thus, You can have the easiest possible way to manage all the customer’s bookings from the back end.
Features is Live..!!!

Introduced Six Different Types of Bookings

Booking Commerce has now come up with 6 different “Add Booking” forms for different booking Scenarios.
Create Slots for different booking products/services of any Profession associated with your business:

One Day Booking, Appointment Type Booking, Concert Type Booking, Rent Type Booking, Concert Type with time, Rent Type with time.
Get Ready to Explore..!!

If you want us to Update any new Feature or fix any Bug then,


What's New?

We have Updated New 5 Features/Add-Ons since the launch of this product, by your feedbacks.


Rozorpay: Accept Payment online using your existing merchant account with Razorpay’s Payment Gateway.

Integrated Rozarpay payment gateway with Booking Commerce for accepting international payments as well. You can simply enable this add-on and start accepting payments from your customers for the bookings made on your website.

Installation Guide:-

Steps for how to generate an API key:-

  • Firstly, you need to log into your RazorpayX Dashboard.
  • Now, visit the Account Settings>>API Keys and Webhooks.
  • After that, you need to click Generate Key.
  • This way, API Keys will be generated for your business account.
  • Lastly, click the Download Key Details to download your API Keys for future reference.

How to Configure Razorpay?

  • Go to Add-ons option on the menu bar on the left-hand side.
  • Go to Razorpay and click Install to install the add-on.
  • Once the add-on has been install, got to the configure page.
  • Now enter API Key and API Secret that you got from the Razorpay account.
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Introducing the Chatwhizz add-on! Using it, you can enable the live conference feature on your booking website & let users communicate over the chat system.

Important Note:- This add-on is specifically for appointment type and concert type booking.

With this feature, you can now allow customers to schedule a live chat for your booking product/service that you offer on your booking website.

As soon as a booking is scheduled by the customer, a conference chat will be created automatically based on the selected slot. Thus, the user can communicate over the chat system.

Moreover, you can have the conference feature in case of multi-user booking. In this, you can allow multiple users to interact with each other at the same time on the live chat.

How to Install?

Click the Add-On option on the left-hand-side menu bar.

Go to Chatwhizz and click on the Install button to activate the feature.


Mark:- To use this feature, first you need to create an account on Chatwhizz.

Once the add-on gets installed, go to the configure section.

configure chatwhizz

Now, enter the access token from your chatwhizz admin panel.

access token

After installing the add-on, you can visit the booking products listing section & select a booking product for which you want to allow live chat with the customer.

Enable the chatwhizz tab & enter the email ID of the user.

Make sure that the entered user email is a valid chatwhizz user Conference will be created with that user and the customer who has made the booking.

In the case of multi-user booking, enable the option to create conferences for all the users.


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Restrict Bookings

There are times when you can get multiple booking for the same number of product and the user does not show up. This not clogs your booking slot but also prevent genuine booking from customers which ultimately affects your income.

With restrict booking add-on, you can restrict booking based on either email or token or any number of days. You can create rule-based any mentioned factor and prevent fake bookings.

Installation Guide:

  • Click Add-on option on the menu bar on the left-hand side.

  • Go to Restrict Booking and click Install to install the add-on.

  • Once the add-on has been installed, go to Configure section.
  • Under that, you can create a rule based on restricting booking based on either previous booking or email or token or n number of days.

  • After that, you can select the booking product on which you want to restrict the booking and save the rule.

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Reward Points

With Reward points add-ons, you can set reward points based upon booking or booking products which your customers can redeem while booking slots for the booking products.

Giving away reward points helps in getting more customers for your business and also increases customer loyalty. You can also allot reward points to your regular customers as a token of thanksgiving and make sure they visit your booking page for the respective service again.

Installation Guide:

  • Click Add-on option on the menu bar on the left-hand side.

  • Go to Reward Point and click Install to install the add-on.

  • Go to Configure section and then click General Config.
  • Here you can set reward rule based on Booking Price or Product.

Reward Points based on Booking Rule

  • Under Booking rule, you can set the amount of booking price over which reward point will be allotted.

  • You can set the number of days validity for the points and duration for which reward point will be given. You can Save the rule after this

  • In Reward point worth you can set the monetary value of each reward point and save that.

Reward Points based on Product

  • Under Product rule, you need to need to select the product for which you need to set the reward point.

  • After that, you can set the number of days validity for the points and duration for which reward point will be given. You can Save the rule after this

  • In Reward point worth you can set the monetary value of each reward point and save that.

  • You can add as many reward point rules as you want.

In Reward Transaction section, you can check transaction history of reward points that have been credited or redeemed by any particular user.

By clicking on Assign Points, you can assign a valid number of reward points with days validity to any customer based on his email ID.

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Front Links

The links on your booking website play a major role to categorize the information on your website. Now you cannot put all the information on one single page so as to confuse the user and they are not able to get relevant information.

So, whether you have your own booking website or not, booking commerce allows you to create one and use it like a normal website. Add relevant links on header and footer and guide your customers to useful information that you want them to have.

Installation Guide:

  • On your BookingCommerce dashboard, go to Add-Ons.

  • In Add-Ons section, you will find Front Links. Click Install to install the add-on.

  • Go to Configure Option. You can visit Header or Footer section to add the link on the respective section. Just provide Label name and URL where you want to redirect and Save that.

  • You can check the changes by visiting your booking page.
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